Monday, November 2, 2009

How i cure my loneliness. how i cure when i miss someone.

Typical Aquarius cant beat boredom and loneliness. once i told my friend, there are something you can kill me, make me mute,broke my legs or throw me to a stranded island,and i am serious with life, there is 2 elements i wouldn't miss out, entertainment, and football. Entertainment concluded, social life, friends, music, movie. football? this sport had following me for a decade, the day still count on =)

back in hometown nearly a month, time flies, and i am wasting my time too, haha! frankly, now i only pick myself up to be more serious on my job hunting, finally, i got some ideal plans in my mind, too bad, i am still in dilemma......nowadays, i oldtown's regular customers. spending whole afternoon at old town coffee shop.for? internet access lo. and cure my coffee addiction too. i am gonna be one of the Malaysia Diabetis Association's member very soon.

my temper became worst, alil bit of lost control, abit lost too. i hate to be alone, but still need to overcome it. when i said i dont wanna miss her, but i keep on doing something which will make me think of her, i ate a lot of instant noodle, i ate chocolate, i ate ice cream, and i am getting fatter. i drink a lot too recently. must do some changes d. cant keep on like this.

i realize, when you keep on deny missed some1 else, u might miss her more, and doing the act which will remind her/him more. i will keep my faith until the day i found it again. and i am ok =)

signed off

Decision, Dilemma

I read an article bout life and decision making,which might bring a huge impact in our life,and there is something that inspired me the most.let share this here:

What is your Biggest fear?

What are fear of while you the result so unpredictable.

What bothering you the most all the time?

The problem/issue that bothering you the most, are the thing u care the most

Do not always blame on opportunity did not approach you, ask yourself, had you well prepared?

Luck are with those who work hard.

thanks to Mr Tee. he made me changed my mind after have a long conversation with him. very grateful. although i don't trust god, but if he really do exist, he still havn't abandoned, forgotten me. thanks a lot.i think i have to brush up my language before i decide to pick this challenge up.

"God close your front door, he will open another exit for u"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No. 1

one day,my fren ask"eh,when is your bday??"

i feel excited pulak dat time,haha,tot she wanna give me stgelse on my bday

"erm 11feb lo"

"you maybe the type of person got leadership wan..."

i was like "............"

erm.....she say, according to visiber punya calculation hor, ppl like me can be leader... post wasnt to show off myself,i jz wanna say that, sumtimes, ppl tend to be supertitious,

afterall, because this type of ppl keep in faith,believe in everythg they do,finally,they success,

so i understand that, always have faith in what you do my friend, and take care =)

sign off,


Sunday, July 26, 2009

tiger beer

had been long long time we never drink together,is damn crazy for tonight, we are never try drink so much after our club after yr1, tonight i am really enjoy it.

too bad, now alergy starts attack my palm, both also felt damn numb right now, dont know what will happen after i wake up.haha,watever, like what people always says:what comes around,goes around =)

i am happy cz finally today i can see you again, i am not hoping anything,anymore,when you are smile, my heart are smilling too. no matter what happens in future, nothing gonna change your status in my heart.

i wil take my time,i am idiot,but i am trying my best. dont be afraid,i will not be that rush,that aggresive anymore

you must always take good care of yourself ya =)

sign off,

Friday, July 24, 2009


abandoned my blog for month plus already, my writing mood always come when mid of the night, i am pretty sure, my brain works better and i can think better,do better decision at this moment. each time when i am dropping new post for my blog, normally is the time i cant find somebody talk to me,i am saying my friends cant help, just that, sometimes i cant even tell what had happened to me. to be frank, this kind of situation are the most tragic, because you dont know what to do/you know,but you dont wanna do......

i totally agree that, music can affects ppl's mind, recently pick up few favourite songs and quote some lyrics share with my readers, and the lyrics somehow is kinda meaningful for me as well, can be my word of express too. I may not say it quite as much i as should, when i say i love you that means for good, only death do us apart,i dont care what they say,i wanna be with you, you are everything in my life,you completes me.

i cant explain this feeling,i think about you everyday,if one day we need to move on, please remember me. when i fall in love,i will take my time, there is noneed to hurry made up my mind, all i wanna say is i wanna be with you.

Today,part of me dies,when i let you go.-blind by lifehouse

Friday, June 12, 2009

where am I?who i am?

too free recently, free doesnt mean you are rest well
basically, i am mentally busy........full of nonsense from my mouth
full of excuses in my mind.i am so dead.

nevermind, tomorrow will be another wonderful day
as long as i do as i planned.
"dont give up if there is end in front, try to find a turning point"

sign off,nites mates.


when you got time
u wont go and blog
when you are busy
u will try to blog
u blog,blog for nothg,jz wanna blog it out
too free.too many nonsense.too much to write
dont wan blog liao
too busy,then u will blog,becz of u wanna get away from busy

sam raimi-(drag me to hell)!!!!!

actually nth do with the


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


ppl says, dare to dream big, is a achiever. but i say, dream too big, is a wet dreamer,

ppl says, dare to try, is a warior, but i say, simply make a try, will be an all time loser,

ppl says, dare to risk, will be an overcomer, but sumtimes, ppl create risk for themself.

act i got nothing to blog,jz some stupid post, and i wanna say,

i dare to dream, because human are magnificent because of dream.

i dare to try, because nobody will be a forever failure.

i dare to risk, because taking risk we see the chance, no pain no gain, no try no luck.

i will never let go this time.

gotta go, 6.30am in the early morning.



Nearly a month never log in to my blogspot, not because of got nothing to post for
just recently,i am really begun to be busy again, mentally and physically. In additional, serious bout my life this time, for the very first time. The reason i drop this post, i was inpired by one of my coursemate, KY,thanks to him, his patient, determination, loyalty makes me feel i am so tiny, and thanks for ur post, ur post convince me that, when you really want her, you must do everything, anything to make her happy, and i have to salute to u for this thoughts.

loyal is not a sin, liking someone else is not a sin, but i am always defeated to myself, my negative minded, my low-self esteem, i am a human have nothing, because of i dont have self-confident. i am not blaming anyone for that, its only myself caused everythgs went wrong. Good for nothing? i always claimed to my fren, i am good for nothing. for all this while, i havnt take my life seriously, how irresponsible i will be??do i realize that??posible for me be more commited?be more obligate??i dont know....

Negative is my name, low-self confident is my bestfren, irresponsible significants me, haha, how pathetic?ya, think so.i dont know how wicked i am when i hate sumbody, i dont know how good i will be if i want to,i dun even know how to express myself in front of you. pls forgive me that i am cowardly avoid to admiting i am fall for you, pls forgive me that i thinks i am not able to cheer u up, pls forgive me when someday, i leaving for not burdening you anymore, but i dare to say,i realli want least in my own blog, HAHA!

Had i try my best to be better person?no, i got a tons of fxxking excuses for myself, to make myself feel better after any mistake i done, but now on, no more, i gotta throw all these away, for you, for myself,orelse, no future.

when i see you, i am really happy and enjoy the moment that u spent with me, at the same time, i am afraid of i will addicted to you, i am afraid that one day u might be not sharing ur time with me again,i admit,i am selfish, i am selfish for you. why i am in PJ for past few years, recently i onli know the answer. y i am still single, cz i believe that u r still with me.

thanks for light up my life again, thanks for encouraging me, thanks for strenghten my spirit to go thru everythg, thanks for making me trust in love again, i am very grateful and thankful to god, i believe, in faith,in fate, in you. no matter how, i will not simply give up anymore, no matter how, i will try all i can to be with you. no matter how, i will change myself for good, change myself for you.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How i wish you were mine

so sudden, u walk into me once again

i dont know what to do

i dont know how to do

i know,i really want you

no matter what i say or do, I really WANT YOU

please dont fail me yet, can give me a trial?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Strong people getting strong, weak people getting weaker

Life getting old,life getting shorter

mind getting mature,behaviour getting disgrace

some people spent their whole life to search meaning of life

some people spent a second to end the meaning of life

always open your heart open your mind

stay silent can think more, talk more gain less

the genius are not the real genius,but they put much more effort, much more faith into what they believe in

the idiot not the real idiot, just they spent longer to learn, nobody know how to cherish them.

respect to everyone include your enemy

excuses are for lifetime loser, dont blame the game,blame the player.

Many people dont know how to write RESPECT, they dont even understand what is RESPECT,
so what for you study so much?pls, dont feel that you are superior, your life is jz a big joke for me. Remember what you did today, remember how people do to you next time, its Karma, what goes around, comes around. Damn FED UP!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Education system

what kind of education can makes your children became like

Teacher:Who is your name? What is your ambition?
Student: Lee xiao Ming. Erm, toktor(doctor) lor, becos can earn many many money mar~!!

Teacher:you know who is the creator of light bulb? Who is Adolf Hitler?
Student:Aiya, Exam wont ask one lar,i dotnor also.....who lai??

Teacher:Do you have any malay or Indian friends?
Student:Dong have ler, coz i donk like Malay 1

Student:becoz Mumi say they are bad lo


*The conversation are created for entertain purpose, pls dont try it at home XP

After spending almost 3yrs, knowing many unimates who from different part of malaysia, i notify something. some school really evil(maybe not school,jz some extremist teacher). they manipulate some student into racist minded, what can this kind of ppl in education world??

you can help ur student,but in fact harms their future, they are not good in chinese, bad in english,malay, nonid further explaination anymore lor,of coz they hate this language as well.

how far will they go?only god knows.....



Sometimes, Persuasion are really effective after all, U.S done it very well, as long as those product Made in USA, it must be a good, durable, quality product, no doubt, U.S are the country which most highly pour their hard work,effort in Branding industry, the machine we bought, the clothes we wore on, the language we speak, the movie we watched and etc.

The Americans use their superb great persuasion skills, manipulate people out of the state, in order to sold their product,earning Dong,Rupee,Ringgi,Renmingbi, push U.S currency to the max, again,using their "influential" status, tend to control the world.

The only country are still have faith to themself,to their own ethnics, the japanese, u shud give them a salute,y say so?becz they dont trust foreign product, but why they dont trust,becz they know the product more than the Uncle sam.if not mistaken, i did read an article from sumwhere, the world's best imitator/copycat not china nor taiwan,is Omerica*. You gotta believes it,ppl claimed this wiv the evidence,facts,prove.

these copycat,stealed ppl's invention, rebuilt it,come out wiv their own brand.maybe name like Pineapple or Lappel lar,i dunno,jz realli cant give more respect to this angmo,and this are not the 1st trial,they do it randomly,oftenly, u might notice it sumday

these angmo ler,laugh at asian,looks cute,tiny,short,ugly,mata sepet,but now they race until head crack,jz becoz of asian,y?becz asian they dont spend ma laztime,asian love bank, so u can c many bank in malaysia,china,taiwan,hongkong,japan,u cant deny dat,the place which dominate by chinese, there are alots of city,shops and Bank of coz, u noe why,becoz chinese loves money more than any other races (joking,haha)

we save money in bank,dats y nw even economy crisis, we may not nid to pick in rubbish can,garbage collector station. we may not need sleep in garden,bus stand.

We proud to be Asian,althought we are tiny and short,thats why we dont need a huge car like Chefalo(cross logo,Made in USA) bcz we love the environments and pockets, plus,we save environment for next gen, not those hyprocrite who say wanna save the world, but then attack those country.

dont look down asian,and dont look down any others who different from our's culture,becoz they dont deserve tat,and you also dont preserve of this kind of rights, love every1 like love ur family
100millions ago, We all are family members,no matter u r african, angmo, chinese, malay......believe it, wan to know,u can watch discovery channel,haha~!!

Remember Brand like Toyota when you wan to buy a foreign car, reason? Toyota voted the top 10 car on earth, and believe to the jappo,their technic and history as one of the prestigious car builder. Remember Director/Advertiser like Yasmin Ahmad,y? she bring Malaysia to the Asia, to the world, with her humour and meaningful ads, with her true and strong malaysian culture film. Remember a leader like Tun Dr Mahathir, who dare to say no to America, dare to challenge Israel.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blogger-blog world

Recently Streamyx became lousy and worsen and lack and etc etc etc..........
Sometimes not malaysian loves to complaint, is just shouldnt be how it be like now, WTH TM doing?at least inform us,email us,spread the new on paper,notice ler???dont have wor.anyhow, complaint doesnt work in here,u noe, i noe,we all knew...culture,haizz.

Back to the topic,sorry if i dragged u guys to Far Far away kingdom,i dont mean it. This final sem, the 1st ever sem i can feel i am studying in a right way,what i mean here is, the subject are so tough, for my level la,forgive me,cz i m average student only,haha!

Blog had replaced Diary which very frequent used by our's mum,dad,ah ma,ah kong,previously diary-ing,now blogging,thanks to rapid growth of cyberworld,love it or hate it,up to you. Blog has change human's life, but sumhow,it reflecting some human's blog even became one of the battlefield for politician,businessman,and socialites as well,interesting huh? =)

mentioned jz now,about the slow connection bout SREMIX,i cant facebook-ing,i cant check mail,i cant even seek info(bluff 1 act,seek porn =P) dats why i surf and peek at ppl's blogs.i figure somethg different out there:

1. some blogger use blog to "clone" another ideal self, they tend to be a perfect one,imagination 1,untrue 1,i found out,what they post,its like blog for themselve, making themself feel happier with that,which wat happened in blog,it maybe neva happen in their real life,but they fake it, attention seeking maybe?i dont know.

2.use blog as an information counter.they revealing their life to the whole world,sumtimes will telling ppl they are ok,fine,good,awesome,life are always good,marvellous,beware of them, sumtimes this kind of ppl,are allittle bit pitiful,they dun even noe who am them.

3.blogitout( blog it OUCH!) this kind of species blog for their own excitement, fire ppl,bombarding ppl,which they cant do it in real life,maybe is their best frens,bosses,or intimate partner.

4.blogmaniac,hahaha~ tis 1 i dunno how to explain,but u can check it out at

5.Bloggerwannabe. this kind of ppl are trend follower,most of them are the kiasus, ppl do,they follow, fame,glory seeker, u might goo and c,via trying on sum blog writer from neighbour country.this kind of ppl exist in every corner, eww.......i hate it.

Anyway, this is just my personal view,i dont mean to critic or offending any1, i m human also,just write it for fun/self pleasure,dont sue me,hahaha


Friday, February 20, 2009


my 50th blog achieve for today, what a meaningful number but with a meaningless blog.

i got alots of things,idea wanna post,jz cant simply write it out.

anyhow,i will be back very soon =)