Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Strong people getting strong, weak people getting weaker

Life getting old,life getting shorter

mind getting mature,behaviour getting disgrace

some people spent their whole life to search meaning of life

some people spent a second to end the meaning of life

always open your heart open your mind

stay silent can think more, talk more gain less

the genius are not the real genius,but they put much more effort, much more faith into what they believe in

the idiot not the real idiot, just they spent longer to learn, nobody know how to cherish them.

respect to everyone include your enemy

excuses are for lifetime loser, dont blame the game,blame the player.

Many people dont know how to write RESPECT, they dont even understand what is RESPECT,
so what for you study so much?pls, dont feel that you are superior, your life is jz a big joke for me. Remember what you did today, remember how people do to you next time, its Karma, what goes around, comes around. Damn FED UP!


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